Horsebox Insurance Quote

Click to Call Free - 0800 3282084

Four easy steps - Step 1

If your base vehicle is not listed phone us on 0800 3282084.

If your converter is not listed please select 'Other' and if necessary we will contact you for further details if you decide to take up the insurance.

The maximum engine size that this system will quote is 5000cc.

The maximum gross vehicle weight (GVW) that this system will quote is 17.5 tonnes.

The maximum sum insured (vehicle value) is £ 40,000.

Policy holder - Please answer all questions This policy is for UK residents only Enter postcode where the Horsebox will be stored. If not at home then this must be a secure storage facility.
Cover level
The maximum value for TPFT cover is £5,000
for Comprehensive it is £40,000. Horseboxes valued over £12,000 must have at least a battery isolator or fuel cut off switch fitted and in operation. Over £20,000 must have at least a Thatcham category 2 immobiliser fitted and in operation. The manufacturer fitted immobiliser in van conversions is usually Thatcham category 2. Check yours here Thatcham manufacturer fitted immobilisers . We offer discounts for active tracking devices and Thatcham category 1 alarm-immobilisers and these are acceptable in lieu of the less secure devices identified above.
Inception Date If you don't know when you will want the policy to start please leave this blank.

You must ensure that the information provided by you and the statements on this page are correct and/or that where exclusions to cover are detailed that you understand and accept these exclusions. If you decide to buy a Horsebox Insurance policy arranged by Carandvanwise, these details will form the basis of the insurance contract between you and the Insurer. Incorrect information could invalidate all or part of the policy.

We have designed this online "quick quote" system to provide a quote for a limited range of uncomplicated circumstances, for up to two drivers on the policy. If you need up to a total of four drivers on the policy, including the policy holder, or have more complicated circumstances we can probably still provide a quote at our office. Please phone us on 0800 3282084 during office hours.

Please read the following assumptions and click the submit button if you can say yes to all of them.

  • I am in employment, self employment, a student, housewife/house husband, not employed due to disability or retired.
  • I have a UK permanent residence that is a house, bungalow, parkhome or flat.
  • All of the drivers including myself are 25 years of age or over, and 74 years of age or less at the date of inception and have been permanently and continuously resident in the UK for the last 3 years and have held a full valid UK driving licence for at least 2 years.
  • My/our business or the business of my/our employer is NOT in any way connected with any of the following: the music, entertainment and fashion industry, professional sports, bookmakers, casinos, gambling, horse racing, gas or oil rigs, journalism, photography, foreign service or diplomatic personnel, scrap or salvage merchants, general dealers or log merchants or market traders, night club, pub or licensed premises or amusement catering.
  • The vehicle is owned and registered by me or my Spouse/Civil Partner, at my address and I will be the main driver.
  • There have been no motor claims in any motor vehicle for any of the drivers who will be named on the policy in the last 3 years, including claims for non-fault accidents. If there have been claims we probably can quote but you will need to telephone the office on 0800 328 2084
  • The total number of motoring convictions and/or fixed penalties for any driver when added together does not exceed 2 in the last 3 years and none of the endorsements fall outside of these conviction codes SP, PC, MW, PL, TS or resulted in a disqualification or more than 3 penalty points. None of the drivers who will be named on the policy have been convicted of a drink or drugs related motoring offence in the last 11 years.
  • None of the drivers who will be named on the policy have any non-motoring criminal convictions or pending criminal charges. (Unspent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 or subsequent Acts)
  • None of the drivers who will be named on the policy have ever had any type of insurance policy voided or cancelled for providing inaccurate or incomplete information to a previous insurer in the last six years.
  • I understand that business use of the vehicle is excluded and I understand that this policy does not provide cover for driving other vehicles.
  • I understand that the policy cover is extended for up to 90 days, in any one Period of Insurance, in the European Union, Andorra, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. After this period minimum cover only applies in these countries.

I have read and agree that all of these assumptions apply to me

Your Duty to take reasonable Care It is your responsibility to ensure that you provide complete and accurate information. Any quotation which is provided, or insurance which is arranged is entirely based on the information that you provide. If you fail to disclose any material fact or change in circumstances this may invalidate your insurance and could mean that a claim which you make may not be paid either in part or in full.

Your Consent By clicking this button you are giving your consent for us to use your data for the purposes of providing you with an insurance quotation and contacting you regarding that quotation. You also consent to cookies being set.

If your circumstances change between the date you purchase the policy and the date when you require the policy to start, please call Car&vanwise. Incorrect information could invalidate all or part of the policy. The Underwriter reserves the right to refuse any proposal.

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horsebox insurance help

Phone one of our friendly people on:
0800 3282084
Call Free
Mon - Fri   9am - 6pm
Sat   10am - 12noon

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Caravanwise Limited

Insurance Intermediary
100 Ringwood Road, Walkford, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 5RF
Registered in England No.3560388
carandvanwise Limited is an Insurance Intermediary and Credit Broker authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Our FCA Register number is 304081.


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